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Back in January, when Rory and I were in Orlando for our three nights of fun, I ended our trip with a bit of a meltdown. Which might be the mild way of saying that I cried hot tears through the evening fireworks show at Epcot. Not because they were beautiful or I was moved. But because I was angry and, in retrospect, exhausted and coming off of a serious sugar crash after eating my first Cronut

Anyway, it was one for the record books. We had a great day all day long, but the sun had gone down while we were in the Nemo ride. And suddenly the fact that we were flying home in the morning hit me like a ton of bricks. There was so much we were supposed to have accomplished on that trip. Lots of topics we had said, “we’ll talk through in Orlando.” But the two days came and went, we played hard and suddenly our trip was coming to a close and I panicked because I still had a laundry list of things I wanted to connect on.

Instead of rationally bringing this up to my husband, in my cronut-crazy state of mind I got all mopey and dumb and lame. And botched the whole evening.  I believe the high point of the melt down was when I cried, “we haven’t even talked about when we’re going to have our next baby!” And Rory replied exasperated, “This moment is not helping us get any closer to that happening…”

Which is sort of hilarious now. (And for the record, we're not planning any babies for a while here yet...) The meltdown was epic. One that will not-be-soon (actually, never be) forgotten.

And also for the record, the cronut is over-hyped. Either get a doughnut or a croissant. But don’t get both at the same time. It's too much. And you might end up loosing your mind on your husband when you come off all that sugar.

We overdid it at Disney. It was fun to play. It was fun to be kid free. It really was super fun. But it left us both wanting a vacation, after our vacation.

So we started planning another trip. We’re in a sweet pocket of time right now with little kids that are old enough to enjoy a few days with each set of grandparents. And we're taking great advantage of this fact. 

The plan for this trip was simple: lay low. No agenda. I told Rory when the airplane landed in Arizona that my personal goal was to be attune to my own napping schedule, no one else’s.

So we just spent four nights in Scottsdale. It was lovely and in the upper 80’s, lower 90’s each day. I read one and a half books, did not get a burn and enjoyed the good company of my husband.  We hiked one morning, met up with friends for dinner one night, and visited Rory's old youth pastor for church on Sunday morning. But other than that, we were poolside, drinking cherry cokes. And the books I read greatly shaped our conversation and our time together. I'll write about those next.

eieio elsie

eieio elsie from Becca Groves on Vimeo.

Elsie has a favorite song lately and I finally got a bit of it on video. She also really likes the B,I,B,I song...not quite the B,I,B,L,E, but we'll get there...

april fools

I woke up yesterday feeling the need to do something for April Fools day. And thanks to a quick google search found this funny trick: making "juice" out of jello.

Ivar helped me make the jello, put a straw in each jar and watched as I put the jello in the fridge. A few hours later, after nap time, he asked for his juice. And when he took his first big sip through his straw he was horrified, "Oh no! My juice won't come up!" Which means either this was an awesome April Fools joke or simply Jello 101 for my son.

Later the real April Fools joke came waddling into the living room in the form of a jello covered Elsie. Rory had given our one-year-old a jar of jello set on a chair to eat on her own and then went out to meet a guy to talk about apple trees on our property. April Fools Mom! Your daughter has fists full of powerful stain-making jello in her hands and you have half a second to get her and her slippery jello back into the kitchen.

Good joke, Ror!

our first sap of the season

We took the kids out on Saturday to collect the sap. We got 7 gallons for this first collection. A pretty great amount for the first gathering. Ivar was very involved this time around, as was Elsie and Vernon the cat. It was fun to look at these pictures from tapping our trees last year and to see how my kids have changed in one year!

Now today it is cold again, snowing on and off. But this is fine in the world of sap collecting. The fluctuating temperatures is great for sap flow, which makes the crazy spring weather not feel quite so disheartening when it gets cold again. It means more maple syrup in the end.

We're celebrating April Fools day around here. At breakfast I told Ivar he should tell me, "good night" because it's silly, and April Fools day is silly. He thought that was hilarious. And then he added some potty humor that got him into trouble. But then we found this site and made these April Fools juice cups with jello for dinner tonight. And, the kids made them with me. So the joke will have to be on Rory. :)

celebrating spring

We had an awesome family day yesterday. It was glorious here in Minnesota, with lots of melting snow. We celebrated Mimi's birthday and springtime and family.

We went for a springtime walk that led us down an icy path that was very wet. No one was wearing the right footwear and it was pretty hilarious. A memory to be sure.

One of my very favorite parts of marrying into the Groves family was that this meant I also married into the Frick family (my mother-in-law Marlene's side of the clan). The Frick's live out in Colorado and Uncle Larry (Marlene's brother) is one of Ivar's favorite people to talk about. He made a big impression when they met. Uncle Larry and Aunt Judy are missionaries who travel all over the world encouraging pastors. They are pure inspiration to me. You can read about their work here.

So when our families gather we have a Frick n' Groves good time. We'll say things like, "it's time for another Frick n' Groves family reunion." Or "a Frick n' Groves birthday party." And it's always hilarious to me. And it always will be.

Lisa made her sugar cookies that always impress. This season: apple blossoms. She's amazing!

And Mimi gave Elsie a little outfit from Hawaii. You'll have to wait until summer for a picture from the front, but until then, here is a little tease. Elsie rocks the tub top with her toddler belly.

names for the kittens

We have had a lot of suggestions for naming our kittens. At the tree tapping party we had a bowl set out where everyone could suggest their own ideas. There were lots of fun names to choose from: my grandpa's names Phil and Johnny (to go with Velma and Verna...who is now Vernon), Ellie and Mittens, Spot and Kellie, Maple and Pancake, Tiger and Spot, Ida and Stella, Murph the Smurf and my personal favorites: Kelly and Sharin. 

And for a while Marlene and Margaret were in the mix, named after our awesome moms. But last week I had to take the kittens to the vet because one of their eyes wasn't opening due to an infection. And there I was told that one of them is definitely a boy and the other is likely a boy. 

Ivar was with me and they asked what the kittens names were. I told the vet we hadn't decided, so she recorded Kitten #1 and Kitten #2. And when I asked Ivar what he thought we should name them, he said his suggestions for the umpteenth time. The names he hasn't wavered from since the cats were born: Thomas and Percy. Named after his favorite trains in the world.

So ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have settled on their names. Enjoy some sweet, hungry meows from Thomas and Percy.

kittens- 2 weeks old from Becca Groves on Vimeo.

little signs of springtime

These pictures were taken two weeks ago, but I really want to get this day documented. Because it was the quintessential happy spring day, one where you could feel everything coming back to life again. It was a Wednesday and the sun was out and Rory decided to tap the first two trees. It was the day when I brought the kids out in the garage and was surprised by two teeny kittens that had just been born.

Ivar was still napping during the tree tapping, so Elsie got undivided mom and dad time. Which always feels special when the second born gets a little parent time all by herself.

And then that night, after we put the kids to bed we started our garden. Our former neighbor, Alison, graciously gave Rory her grow lights so that we can start our seeds even when there is snow on the ground. We got our seeds out of the bottom drawer of the fridge and started making a plan.

I mixed up some muddy soil to spoon into the egg cartons and the smell of dirt made us so happy. It smelled like spring. It smelled like that snow might actually melt away one day.

We ended the night watching Downton Abbey and rehashed the day: It started with ECFE, it included tree tapping and baby kittens. And it concluded with planting seeds for our garden. Springtime, new life, and hope in warmer weather was running through our veins. It was a day we won't soon forget.

And now, two weeks later, our little garden is growing in mighty ways. And the kittens have opened their eyes. And the sap is flowing. God put all these little wonders all around us, and I'm trying to keep my eyes wide open so I don't miss a thing.

love in the animal kingdom

Vernon, our orange cat, is the most faithful, loyal father. He is so protective of Velma and the kittens. You usually have to get past him to get to her and the kittens. And they all cozy up together each night. Just look at this picture. It's like they're snuggling up on the couch getting ready to start a movie.

I had assumed that the male cat would be off on new adventures when the kittens were born, but not Vernon. He's a sweet picture of a present, participating dad. :)

a tree tapping party

A week ago, Rory sent out an evite to family and friends who had shown interest in our maple syrup making last year. We were hopeful a dozen or so could make it. On Saturday we had forty people, 23 kids and 17 adults, to our house to help place the taps, feed the chickens, name the kittens and eat lots of pancakes.

Rory explained how to identify maple trees in the middle of winter and showed how we insert the taps and collect the sap. And he built an evaporator and had a fire going all morning to show how we boil down the sap. My dad was in charge of fire safety and thought that we had to wait for those pans to boil down before we could eat pancakes. Hilarious. It was just water...we don't have enough sap yet.

It was cold, with a high of 23. But it was sunny. So we told everyone to dress for success and then I set up lots of tables inside so we could fill up on pancakes, sausage, hot chocolate and coffee. My sister-in-law ran the kitchen and flipped many a pancake. Thank you Lisa!

Since my birthday was last week, my mom brought my traditional bunny cake, the birthday cake I have had every year of my life. And then she had the most brilliant idea to cut the cake and eat it outside (no chocolate crumbs in my carpet!) Genius, mom.

The chickens were fed all morning. Some kids got the cracked corn through the fence and to the chickens. Others just dumped dixie cups of chicken food at their own feet.

The chickens seemed to like all the attention. They even cooperated in the spirit of the day by laying eggs for everyone to see.

The morning was awesome. Rory took groups out to the grove to tap trees, the chickens were fed plenty by every kid that walked by, we had a kitten naming contest (results to come), maple syrup cross words and word finds and fed a lot of people in our sunny room with the sunshine pouring in. Rory and I have lots of ideas like Tree Tapping Day, different times of the year when we can have people out to be a part of what we're up to. This first event set a great precedent.