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two weeks


This is the room where we are spending most of our time lately. I still can’t get over how our pace of life has changed. And I can’t figure out if the pace has slowed down or sped up. Life just feels more full...and full of all of the best things: family, calm, intention, and the greatest daily entertainment we’ve ever experienced. I swear we could watch Ivar awake or asleep all day long. I’m pretty sure that’s what we do.

We’re definitely in a groove here at the Groves’ house. We’ve got 3 hour feedings down with lots of naps in between. We also have a solid habit of filling diapers past capacity so that goodness saturates our little guy’s back nearly every time. We have tried different brands and different sizes of diapers and are still stumped as to what we’re doing wrong. If anyone has any helpful tips, please weigh in. We’re getting desperate here.

But other than the wet clothes and frequent wet wipe baths, we’re really doing great for having just started this adventure two weeks ago. I still have moments when I feel clumsy and out of practice and for a life-long babysitter, I am surprised at how awkward I can be with this newborn in my arms. Rory said sometimes when he holds Ivar he feels like he's trying to control multiple slinky's at one time. The good news is that Ivar doesn't seem to notice that we're not pros, or at least he has a lot of grace for us new parents.

We’ve been on a few outings, went for one final lake Harriet picnic this week, got some groceries, have been to church both Sunday’s and ventured to the doctors and Babies-r-us as well. Other than the traffic feeling too fast and chaotic, I think we’re doing alright. I still sit in the back seat with my baby like a stereotyped new mama, but I am a new mama, so stereotype me.

Most days come and go with me still in my pajama pants. I usually wake up hopeful to find some time during the day to catch up on emails or to blog or even just to shower. But somehow the day always seems to slip away and at the end of the day, none of these things end up all that pressing.

What does feel pressing is simply to be present in every moment. I saw a 3-month-old today at church and couldn’t believe how fast my tiny little boy is going to grow.


free music!

You want to see the other half of this graphic? Well, you'll just have to click over to to see the end of each line printed here. (because I have no idea why it is chopped in half!)

Sara and Troy are giving away a recording of a concert they held in a women's prison last December. It is really powerful to hear her proclaim the gospel story so clearly in this setting. I got the goosebumps more than once.

Head on over to and enjoy a free download of some fantastic Christmas music. And then check to see if her Christmas concert is coming to a city near you. The concert page lists that they'll be hitting Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Springfield MO, Oklahoma City OK, a few places in Texas, Knoxville TN and Clearwater FL. It's a great show and listening to this recording got me so excited for the season to come!

checking in

Just a note to say we're still here. Computer time is at a minimum, cuddle time has filled its place. And that feels right. We're soaking up every single minute with this sweet, tiny boy.

Ivar's birth story

This is the longest post I've ever written. For those of you who want the Cliff Notes version, I'll tell you that it ends with a baby being born. And for those of you who know how long it takes for a baby to be born, you'll understand why this writing is so long.

The Friday before Ivar was born, I finished number 62 of the thank you’s I needed to write for gifts I had received at the baby shower. To celebrate the conclusion of such a hefty stack of stamped envelopes, I made myself an appointment for a pedicure. I’m a big fan of rewards, and attention to my feet seemed like the perfect compensation for plowing through so many thank you notes. Plus, I figured if I was going to be staring at my feet while pushing a baby out, they might as well look nice.

As I drove to the place for the pedicure I thought, “well, that’s it. That’s the last of my to do list that actually needs to get done.” (I did have other things on the list, but 'change blog header' and 'clean under refrigerator' were sort of filler-chores to help pass the time, and I knew it. Those things didn’t have to get done. I was onto myself.) I left the pedicure place with lovely toes and a true hunch that this whole labor train could easily be set in motion at any moment. I felt it.

That night I moved out to the couch because my back was hurting so badly. It would spasm about every hour. I also felt like I needed to go number two, like I was having trouble passing a bowel. In retrospect, I can easily now see that what I actually needed to pass was a baby, and my body was just starting its engines.

Saturday came and Rory had scheduled a full work day out of the house so my mom came over and helped me pass the time. I told her that I was heading into the scariest Halloween of my life. It had never dawned on me that my baby could be born on October 31st, and suddenly that seemed very, very likely. I have nothing against Halloween, but I do have something against a lifetime of, “Oh, October 31st…born on Halloween” and I’m so big into birthdays that I just didn’t like the idea of one holiday overshadowing the other. (Though every kid I talked to under the age of 12 seemed to think there could be no greater day to have your birthday. My nieces Josie and Mara were so excited that the baby might come…Josie said the baby would get double candy once it told each house it was its birthday, and Mara said then the baby could get candy, presents AND cake in the same day!) I was really hoping for a November baby, though.

By Saturday night I was having regular, strong contractions about every hour. They hurt horribly and made for a long evening. By Sunday morning, October 31st, they were about six minutes apart and seemed regular enough that we should go to the hospital. First Time Mama Learning #1: If you’re walking into the hospital while in labor with a smile on your face and excitement in your heart, you probably aren’t actually in hospital-worthy labor yet.

We got there and I was monitored for an hour with consistent contractions and then I was checked and was told I was dilated to a “tight one.” First Time Mama Learning #2: “Tight one” is polite hospital speak for: nothing is happening. In fact, I probably was born a tight one.

So Rory and I discussed the day and how now we would need to get candy to hand out to the trick-or-treaters. And if we were going to head to Target, we might as well go out for breakfast next door at the Original Pancake House. We went to Target first, and I had a few contractions right there while walking around. We had to stop at a hand drill display while I counted through one of them to pass, and when I opened my eyes I could see people in each direction staring at me with little thought bubbles popping out of their heads, “Why would you go to Target while having contractions?” And I suppose I have no good answer for that. Just as I have no good answer for why I would think it wise to go and eat bacon, eggs and hashbrowns just moments later. But I did eat those three things, and Rory and I had a really sweet lunch, excitedly talking about how this really was all beginning, stopping for moments of silence while I suffered through my contractions.

Then we went home and I crashed on the couch for the day. My contractions greatly intensified later in the afternoon, life became more and more miserable and by evening the really, really hard contractions were each ending with a climactic round of throwing up. The flu-like symptoms hit me hardest once the sun went down and the trick-or-treaters started to show up. It made for a bit of a mad house, as Rory would run to the doorbell, hand out the candy, close the door, run to my side, clean out my bowl, run to the doorbell, hand out the candy, close the door, help me to the bathroom, run to the doorbell, hand out the candy, close the door, help me back to the couch, clean out my bowl and run to the doorbell. Finally we ended that mayhem when I asked that he leave the bowl of candy on the porch (which was protested because “kids will take more than 2 pieces!”… but the pregnant woman won this one.) First Time Mama Learning #3: You can skip participating in minor holidays if you are in active labor.

It was during this time of throwing up and utilizing the toilet in full force while enduring horrifying contractions that I pondered deep thoughts. Thoughts like how I would tell Rory that I had changed my mind and no longer wanted a big family. I would have this baby and that would have to be enough. I was watching TV and every single person on the screen was a marvel to me. I couldn’t believe they had all come into the world this way. I saw Sabrina Soto on HGTV and thought, “her mom went through this for her.” Then I thought of the whole wide world…every single person was born from a mother who experienced this same pain. How on earth have we populated this planet so well? Surely every mother in their right mind would only have one child, figure out the horror involved and decide one was enough. I thought about Eve, and then I thought about labor for elephants, water buffalo, giraffes and cows.

Around eight o’clock it was obvious that I was in a terrible place, dehydrated, so weak and basically ready to keel over. So we went back to the hospital. This time when we returned I was not smiling. They hooked me back up the machines, with contractions 4-5 minutes apart and dilated to a three. But after an hour and a half of monitoring, I hadn’t dilated anymore. I was given an IV to increase my fluids and then was encouraged to stay the night to see if we would progress any further. But I was miserable in the hospital bed and Rory was my equal in looking exhausted and overwhelmed. So we decided to go back home for the night and try to get some sleep. We got home at 11 and slept until 12:30 when, after a good and strong contraction, my water broke. First Time Mama Learning #4: You will know when your water breaks.

I wasn’t counting on my water breaking since most women have to have theirs broken for them. But like the pluck of a rubber band, I felt a little break and then I felt Niagara Falls. I told Rory that my water had broken and before I could even roll onto my hip to get up he was out of bed and fully dressed. I kid you not. I still can picture his lamp flying on and watching the world’s fastest dad put on his clothes. I threw up some more, I soaked every pair of pajama pants in our house and we headed back to the hospital with me sitting on a garbage bag and bath towels in my bath robe while holding my barf bucket. This time I was really not smiling when we went back to the hospital. I wasn’t even walking. This time we were that cliché couple with the husband pushing the wife into the lobby area in a wheelchair, leaving her there momentarily while he raced around to park the car, returning with every piece of luggage strapped to his shoulders, ready to fly her through the hallways. She has her head down, rubbing her forehead, willing herself not to puke. First Time Mama Learning #5: This is the real deal. You will not be discharged from the hospital in this condition until you have a baby in your arms.

We returned to the birthing floor and they were ready for us. I was given another IV of fluids and was asked what my plan was for medication. I told them my plan was that I was interested in anything they had to offer me and that the moment they wanted to give me an epidural, I was very, very ready. My contractions intensified, and all was miserable and wrong with the world. I was quiet in my deep breathing, counting slowly through each one, gripping the side rail of my bed and praying to survive. The only thing to say about these hours is that they were not fun. At all.

Around 4 am a man dressed in white showed up to give me the epidural in my back. I cannot explain how my life changed in that moment. And I'm still not totally convinced that he wasn't actually an angel. :) My legs turned to tree stumps, my toes were immobile and I got super happy and chatty. I couldn’t feel a thing. The monitor showed that I was having ridiculous contractions, and I was oblivious. Rory had gone out to the car to get a few more things while the nurse was getting me situated after the shot and he could not believe the transformation in me when he returned. I had returned from the pits of hell...well, not really, but I was able to look at him for the first time in six hours and to converse with politeness. The nurse got me on my side and Rory and I both slept for the next four hours. First Time Mama Learning #6: It’s okay to need an epidural.

We woke up around eight and were told we’d have a baby today. All I could think about was the fact that it was not Halloween anymore. This was going to be a November baby. Rory said he thought his was a very kind move on behalf of the baby, waiting until 12:30 on November 1st to have my water break and all. It was a beautiful, sunny morning and I napped on and off.

At noon it was time to start pushing and my phenomenal nurse, Theresa, coached me every step of the way. She and Rory held my legs for the next two hours as I pushed through every contraction. I could feel my feet by this point, as well as my abdominal muscles and felt fully in control of where I needed to direct my pushing. I felt strong and able. I remember thinking this many times during those two hours. I knew we were close, and somehow, after four hours of sleep and a blessed epidural, I was ready for this next phase. Rory said that I pushed with all of my might on every single push and then after three pushes, would lay my head back, close my eyes and grin. I would say something happy to him and Theresa like, “Oh man, that last one…I sort of quit at 8. Sorry.” And I’d smile some more. I felt a lot and it was not comfortable. But the epidural clearly had taken the edge off and I still felt fully present and aware the entire time.

Theresa called for the doctor in the last fifteen minutes and then said we needed to stop until the doctor came in. It took a while and then she went in the hall and found the doctor talking to another nurse. We missed a strong contraction, but then got things rolling again. I had no idea just how close we were to the grand finale. I didn’t know babies came out so fast after that last wide part of the head made it through. But my baby completely surprised me by his entrance. Unfortunately, I had just heard the opening of scissors and was so distracted by fearing the pain that was coming next that I had my eyes closed tight while bearing down that last time. On the second push I heard the scissors and on the third push there was laughing and loud sounds and a clear, “It’s a boy!” I opened my eyes completely startled to see a beautiful, perfect baby boy descending on my chest. I was so sure it would take much longer to get the body out. First Time Mama Learning #7: Once you get that bulky head out of the way, your baby may very well shoot out of you.

Rory was beside himself and I remember watching him as much as looking at our sweet little boy. Ivar came out with his eyes wide open, looking around and so content. I think I even asked if it was okay that he wasn’t crying so hard and was reassured that he was just fine and just taking it all in. Rory cut the cord and Ivar was taken to be wiped off and weighed.

First Time Mama Learning #8: Your baby may be out, but you are not quite done yet, new mama. Ouch. Thankfully my sister had forewarned of the next half hour and all that needed to be done to my belly and underside to make things right again. Honestly, you would think the process could end with the actual birth, but instead I was still enjoying the fine work of my doctor while watching the excitement all around me.

First Time Mama Learning #9: Your doctor may be done and your legs may be back in bed, but your body is still in some rough shape.

I was so grateful we had our friend Jaime there taking pictures to document everything that was happening around me and obviously I was good and distracted watching my husband and my baby as they took each other in. We had our parents come in shortly after and I was so proud to show them our son. When our folks walked in, I saw them all in a completely new light in that moment. I remember looking at my mom and dad and really understanding that they had gone through this exact thing for me, ending with the same exact joy. Life is beautiful like this. Then it was just Rory and me in the room with our tiny little life bundled beside us. All the mystery of who this little baby would be, if it would be a girl or a boy, what he would look like, if he would be healthy…all of these answers were wrapped in the alert eyes that were opening and closing and scrunching at us as we started to get to know each other. And that’s what we’ve been doing ever since…spending every waking hour staring at each other, making sweet sounds and giving lots and lots of kisses and hugs.

First Time Mama Learning #10: Life will never be the same, and that is the most exciting and wonderful reality you could ever imagine.

soft focus

My friend Shannon told me that her first weeks of life together with their baby son play in her memory in soft focus. She is a photographer and used this visual analogy to describe sort of the blissful, calm, emotion-filled, groggy, overjoyed, sleep-deprived, learning days that followed after his birth. I have thought of this often since we got home from the hospital. It is amazing how a day can be filled with only eating, changing, snuggling, napping and repeating. And how these days are truly the fullest days of our lives, in every wonderful way.

I want so badly to get the birth story written up so that I don’t forget any part. And now that life is moving forward I really want to get this story written so that I can start telling of our sweet transition in real time. I already feel backed up (in more than one way…ahem) with moments and stories to record. I’ll be writing on and off today and hope to have the details up soon. They’re good…and painful. But all good.

It's a boy!

It is with the greatest joy of our lives that we introduce you to Ivar Nicholas Groves. This little guy came into the world on Monday afternoon, November 1st at 1:57 and has multiplied our capacity for love in exponential ways. Our hearts are full and so content. And he is complete peace and joy and awe and wonder all wrapped up in 8 pounds and 5 ounces of beautiful baby.

It's Halloween, Baby!

When I first met Rory, he told me about this tradition that he and his friend John Link had every Halloween. They set up Rory's porch with a "dummy" man next to a bowl of candy. The dummy however was John and when the kids got close enough he would just slightly move his hand or something and scare the little children.

The kicker is that they had a video camera all rigged up and in the house, behind the porch windows Rory threw a party each year where the guests could watch in real time as John scared the children.

I participated one year while we were dating, but then after we got married John moved away and I just felt funny about being the house on the block that was known for scaring children. So the tradition ended with me. Talk about a kill joy.

Our friend Beth recently asked about the video footage and in the midst of the boxes downstairs we found a dvd of one of the years. Rory clipped it together as sort of a best of. If you're not into Halloween, you may not appreciate this. But if you are, you may find yourself laughing and getting pretty fired up for an evening of trick or treating. Happy Halloween, everybody!

Boo! Halloween Live at the Groves from Becca Groves on Vimeo.

Happy Halloween!

I'm starting to get phone calls during the day wondering if I'm in labor since I didn't post anything on my blog! Ha! The truth is, I'm just really tuckered out. And I cannot tell you how scattered I am these past few days. Even when I think about what to blog about, I get all distracted because my content is crazy and unrelated and it makes me not want to write anything. But just so everyone knows I am still great withchild, I thought I'd post a few of the things I am thinking about in regards to halloween:

**My niece, Mara, carved her pumpkin last weekend. She told me over the phone, "And Aunt Becca, it is fierce." "Fierce? Wow. What makes it fierce?" "Well, one eye brow is a diagonal line going down this way, and the other eye brow is a different diagonal going down this other way, and it is fierce." She's five and I found this commentary hysterical. Her folks have no idea where she learned this word.

***We tivo's Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin and tonight is the night we're going to watch this classic. I'm excited. I also have high hopes of not having this baby before halloween because I have a costume idea I am excited to try to pull off.

***(this has nothing to do with halloween) My sister called and said that her little Svea is already moving into the next size of diapers and probably soon will be out of her 0-3 month clothes. This kills me because I haven't even gotten to HOLD SVEA YET!!! But, she has been posting lots of fun stories and pics if you want to read all about Sweet Svea here.

***I talked to both Annika and my bff Heidi today and their 5 year olds both had costume changes before school this morning. Both mom's thought they were going as one thing, but the kids had a different idea when they woke up. And both mom's thought the original costume idea was way cuter, but in the end, you can't really mess with a 5 year old. Mara changed from a witch to a bee at the last minute and Isaiah switched from a Knight to a fire-fighting-army-super-hero.
***Stay tuned this weekend for a video of Rory's idea of a good time on Halloween. You will not want to miss it.

trader joe's

Do you remember the first time you shopped at Trader Joe's? I do. It was this morning. And even though I know I'm late to the party, I am so, so excited about this place.

hot soup

This picture was taken two weeks ago...

Something dramatic happened in the weather yesterday, and it turned cold. And very, very windy. I think these first days of the change of season are very jarring. I kept thinking yesterday, "Oh that's right, the wind sucks the breath from your mouth. I hate that." And then I remembered that I need to wear my contacts on rainy days when I'm running errands because they steam up so badly from building to building.

But I'm trying to take this change of seasons with a positive attitude. I do like to hunker down and cozy up. We started a hopeful new tradition at the Groves house this fall. We call it "Soup Sunday" and try to make a big pot of something each Sunday afternoon. So far we've had a few winners including chicken and dumplings, chili, wild rice soup and chicken noodle.

Here are two absolute winner recipes:
Byerly's Wild Rice Soup
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup (best ever.) **I recommend using a rotisserie chicken and two boxes of Chicken stock and I left out the cooking sherry because it was too expensive...

Hope the thoughts of warm goodness keep you toasty today!

T-minus one week...

...more or less.
We're due a week from today, and I'm not getting any smaller that's for sure. My belly is so tight, and it is getting less and less comfortable. Rory and I were at Cub the other night and he picked up a pumpkin. I asked that he kindly shove it under his shirt for the rest of the shopping trip just to see what it is like to have such a heavy load. He set the pumpkin down, smiled and me and told me that I am doing a great job carrying our child.

Sleep and I used to be really good friends. I remember the days when my head would hit the pillow and sleep would welcome me immediately into a deep rest. But not so, lately. I get completely out of bed about every hour just to stretch my belly and let everything settle back into place. Rory is also sleeping horribly, and we are in awe of how accurate everyone's words were that this stage is just preparation for the sleepless nights that are to come.

I am nesting in the deepest sense of the word. The past few days I have been digging out every single box we own and going through each item with not a whole lot of sentiment attached. Nothing is safe. It feels good to deep clean like this though, and thanks to my mom and my helpful husband who are carrying my loads away, I think I'll finish the basement before this baby comes.

Still amazes me that this baby could come in two days or in two weeks. I can't think of any bigger life event that is wrapped in so much mystery!

And finally, speaking of mystery, at our last doctor's appointment he asked us if we had any questions. I didn't but I commented on how I still can't get over the miracle that is happening inside of me, and how hands-off this whole process of creating a life has been. He said, "Not to get all spiritual on you or anything..." And Rory interjected, "Oh, please do." And then he did. He told us miracle after miracle of the timing of birth. How right now there is a shunt blocking the blood from flowing to my baby's lungs because it's not necessary yet. But moments after my baby is born, that shunt will close up, flow through the vein and in an instant there will be blood pumping to baby's lungs. He smiled and said, "Now you go find a group of engineers who can duplicate that."

He went on and on. The three of us were just excitedly chatting about this miracle of life and it felt so right to celebrate like that with our doctor. It was cool to see him still get so excited about something he has been practicing for decades now. The thing is, the wonder and mystery of life just never gets old. It is pure gift and by far the greatest gift we have ever been given.

hymn cards

I remember sitting beside Rory's grandpa's bed as he was beginning to pass away. Papa was a remarkable man, a powerful speaker and a passionate preacher. It felt odd to sit there and watch him sleep with such labored breathing, seemingly so far away. We decided to sing some hymns to him. For each hymn we could usually get through most of the first verse, belt out the chorus and then end up fumbling over words, inserting la la la's for unknown words and looking at each other in a panic and skipping to the chorus once again. I remember being overcome by giggles that night with Rory. We had been sad for long enough and our emotions snapped the other direction and our tears streamed not from crying, but from laughing, trying to sing verse two of "The Old Rugged Cross." Not the funniest song in the world, but that night, it had us in stitches. And even though this laughter was perfect and helpful for that moment, I still wished I had known the words. In general, I wish I had more lyrics committed to memory. I remember working on the advanced memory loss floor at Mount Olivet Home and beginning Beautiful Savior and listening to the residents sing all four verses. Men and women who didn't remember their own children would remember every word to every verse of these songs that had been shut up in their bones. So to help me, I made these hymn cards for our baby nursery. Rory and I are excited to sing these favorites to our little one. My plan is to have 6-7 hymns on rotation at a time. If I'm super ambitious, I'll change them for different seasons. (Christmas is just around the corner!) But at least we'll have the words visible to look at as we rock and snuggle and coo at each other. My Uncle Jake made the welded metal stand that they are sitting on and it's perfect. They are set on a shelf that looks directly at the glider rocker, so I have a feeling they actually will be used. I've been practicing already.

a life of journals

Have you ever met someone who has written in a journal their whole life? When I read about writers like this I always have a tinge of jealousy...wishing I had that sort of written history.

But today I realized that I do! My mom came over for most of the day and we went through boxes in the basement, getting rid of a whole lot of paperwork and school binders that I have held onto over the years. And in one special box we came across more than a dozen journals that I have kept since the 1st grade.

It was so perfect to discover these notebooks of written history with my mom! We laughed as we read entries filled with memories of hurt feelings, excitement, disappointment and all sorts of age-appropriate "stress." It was obvious that I have always been a bit of an extreme writer, very feeling, and very dramatic.

The above text killed me. It is from the very first page of my journal from second grade. To think the same little girl who wrote these misspelled, poorly constructed sentences ended up loving words, and still loves writing, is a pretty cool thing.

dad and baby

Rory is 33 today. I found this picture of him and his dad and I cannot wait for what is ahead of us this year. I can't wait to watch him as a father.

I'm actually more consumed today with how quickly the next 33 years will go by, and how his own mom must be feeling today wondering how life moves so quickly.

lots of thoughtful baby gifts

I love this card that came from my sixth grade math teacher and her mom. Inside it read, "Just be yourself."
When it came time to open presents at the baby shower, I knew I needed to be considerate and speedy. It's fun to watch someone else open presents...for a while. And then it just gets a little long. My goal was to open each card to see who it was from, open the gift, thank that person sincerely, hold the gift up and move on to the next present. I told the ladies, if you get bored, simply watch my magical inflating feet. They will double in size before your very eyes. (And they did. They do not disappoint...)

This meant that I wasn't able to read every card (because viewers get bored when watching other people silently reading) while at the shower. But now that I'm writing thank-you's I have been reading these thoughtful words, and I came across two gifts that I hope to duplicate myself for other mama friends. A breastfeeding kit. My cousins Sarah and Kathy gave me this and I think I love it so much because it is so mama-centered. These luna bars are for me. And this adorable water bottle?!! I love it! The cream and pads came highly recommended and altogether the thought and creativity that went into putting this kit together is adorable. The card explained each part of the kit and why it was chosen.

The Mom-Tool. My friend Anne gave this to me with this humorous little flip book, explaining how a mama would use each part of this swiss army knife. The flip book reads as follows:
- Tweezers: Use for removal of small objects lodged in child's nose or ear. ie: beads, beans or pebbles.
-Scissors: Use for cutting a drinking straw for child's drink which prevents multiple spills down the front of the child's shirt. (Hint: cut about 1/3 off)
-Nail File: Mom's new self-care tool-perfect for grooming her own nails while waiting for the doctor.
-Screwdriver: Use for removal of batteries in most children's toys.
-Key Ring: So Mom always knows where the Mom Tool is located.

grandma's caramel rolls

I have to begin this post on caramel rolls with a confession. I am a bit phobic of yeast. Not in a I'm-afraid-it-will-beat-me-up-in-a-dark-alley sort of way, and not even the fact that it is alive and living and tiny. My fear comes from what I might do to the yeast. What if I draw too hot of a bath for its survival? What if the water is too cold? What if the yeast hates me and then all of the work I went through to make the bread is all for nothing. I think about these things and usually opt for making things like monkey bread instead of homemade caramel rolls.

But Grandma was in town last week, and since she has been best friends with Yeast for 93 years now, it seemed like she might be able to introduce us with the most success. After all, I have made caramel rolls with my grandma a number of times throughout my childhood. (Although it should be noted I have never made them while 9 months pregnant. I was utterly exhausted by the end of our baking time together! I had to sit down a few times while my, again, 93 year old grandma stood and washed the dishes by hand!)

We were at my mom's which meant we didn't have a Kitchen Aid. And not having a Kitchen Aid meant that we had to stir in the flour by hand and knead it forever.

The stuff was so sticky. But not for Grandma. Everytime Grandma touched the dough it would become lovely and smooth. She kneaded with ease and made it look so, so easy.

And then she'd let me have a go. And within seconds, the dough would turn to sticky goo, stuck between my fingers, attached like cement to the counter. I was so awkward! This clearly is some sort of practiced and perfected skill and I am a novice. But I did improve over time, and I think Grandma saw some promise in me by the end...

Here she is, fixing my goo back into bread dough.

I kindly let Grandma finish kneading and I moved onto melting the caramel goodness over the stovetop so it would be ready for the rolls.

She rolled our dough and spread butter, cinnamon and sugar all over.
And then we rolled it up.

We cut them up and placed them over the melted caramel mixture.
Then I had to leave in order to make my baby appointment, so Grandma and my mom finished the rolls and brought them over later that night. And I ate more than one. And the baby jumped for joy all night long. Thankfully, I was wise enough to freeze most of them so we'll have some good treats for after the baby comes too.

Grandma's Caramel Roll Recipe:
1/2 cup very warm water
2 T. dry yeast
1 T. sugar
Mix together in a bowl, cover and wait for bubbles to appear.

In a different bowl combine:
1 1/2 cups warm water
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups flour
add yeast mixture to this bowl. Beat 2 minutes with a mixer

Add to this mix 2 eggs, and beat for 2 more minutes.
Then add 1/3 cup soft butter
Beat for another two minutes

Blend in 4 cups of flour gradually. If in a Kitchen Aid the mixer can handle this. Otherwise, stir in by hand. If you're 9 months pregnant, your breathing might become labored...

Put 1/2 cup flour on countertop and knead the dough for a VERY long time. If you mixed in the Kitchen Aid, you will not need to knead it for so long.

Place dough in a buttered bowl and cover with a towel under a warm light. Let rest for 20 minutes. If you're 93, you might do the dishes during this time. If you're pregnant, you might sit down during this time.

After 20 minutes, knead the dough again. Roll out into rectangle and spread butter, cinnamon and sugar on the dough. Roll into a long log.

In 2 buttered pans on the stovetop, melt the following together:
1/3 cup butter melted slowly
1/2 cup brown sugar
After melted and combine together add
1 T. Karo Syrup

With a scissors, cut the dough into 3/4 inch rounds.
This recipe will make 2 pans of rolls with 15 rolls in each pan.
Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or so.

things I don't want to forget


This weekend we got the nursery put together. And I love it. I love getting to dream and vision and then to see all of those ideas and creative thoughts come together. The room is happy, bright and peaceful. Look for a full picture tour at some point on this blog...

I have spurts of energy, usually timed about every other day. I will push it one day and the next my body will kindly tell me that we're not going to do that again. Thursday, Saturday and today are busy days. Friday, Sunday and probably tomorrow will be reading-in-a-glider-rocker days. I told my brother today about this cycle and he explained that even on the lay low days I am still very productive as I am producing one product at all times, even while laying on the couch. I loved that perspective.

In the last week Rory has replaced the nursery windows, painted the sills, built a dresser, built a crib, put up shelves, installed the carseat, put together the stroller, replaced a light with a ceiling fan, assembled a glider rocker and hung all sorts of things on the walls. Next are the blinds and curtains. He is really making me happy...

You should know that all of those listed items above come in large boxes with lots of packaging. When you think about how tiny a newborn's footprint is and compare it to the baby's carbon footprint, I believe the later is quite a bit larger. Sorry earth. We do recycle.

On Saturday I washed everything for the baby in Dreft detergent. Which means that I got to fold my first loads of baby clothes. Melt my heart. I have never, ever had such joy in doing the laundry in my life. Tiny, tiny, tiny.

Last week we had our last night of baby classes. Our final task was to bathe, change and swaddle our cabbage patch kid dolls. Except the mama's couldn't talk and the daddy's had to do it all. Rory was so gentle with that baby doll and I couldn't get over how mushy my heart got watching him put a diaper on cloth-dimpled doll legs. I cannot wait to watch him use this same tenderness with dimpled wiggly legs.

I'll try this again...

I am excited to put up this slide show, but Photobucket thinks I want the pictures to show backwards of their chronological order. And if Photobucket knew me at all, Photobucket would know this would drive me insane. I tried posting and reposting five times this morning, and I'm not sure what the dealio is. Then I went and took a three hour nap.

Until I figure this out, here is a link to the slide show with the pictures in their proper order. (My North Shore pictures also displayed last picture to first...anyone use Photobucket and have any tips?)
Click here to watch the Slideshow. and enjoy!

one colorful baby shower


Alright. I've got a few pictures, and I think they sort of sum up the tone of this shower. Somehow the party planners took my quirks and oddities and turned them into a really good time. The room was decorated with paper chains, in honor of my love of a good looped countdown. They were gorgeous and made sort of a tent for the celebration.

I called this the mother of all baby showers, because it was all of my worlds come together. There was Cedar Valley Church family there, Shepherd of the Valley Church family there, Bredberg, Harrington and Groves family there, friends from Mount Carmel, friends from Flathead, and even my third grade teacher, sixth grade math teacher and 10th grade English and History teacher.


Mrs. Ice (3rd grade), Mrs. Groves (10th grade), me and Mrs. Johnston (6th grade)

To have this many women together to love on and support this little life growing inside of me was fantastically overwhelming. When God set us up in community, I believe this is exactly what he had in mind. I felt so affirmed and loved and supported as we prepare to step into this new season


I'm adding these next two pictures, because they basically sum up my mood the entire evening. I was quite excited, all night long.



Sara gave a very thoughtful devotional, focusing on the different roles each member of the family brings to the whole. She referenced The Art of Family and Real Love for Real Life and I have a feeling lots of ladies there will be ordering these books real soon.


The cake is worthy of a post all of its own, but I'm dying to share this one. First of all, this was my face when I saw the cake:


And my face looked like this, because this is what I was looking at:


Remember the Scandinavian wall hanging we are going to have in the baby's nursery?


Unbelievable. I still can't get over the colors and detail that was put into this cake! And this is how the whole night felt. The thoughtful details, all of the prep that went into every part of the shower, and the special touches were perfect. Lisa, Sara, Beth and Marlene pulled together one of the best parties of my life. I can't thank them enough. And I can't believe we didn't get a picture! But we did get this one, with all of the lovely ladies who helped pull the night off.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Sara, Beth, Carleen, Lisa, Maddie, Melanie and Dawn! (And Mom Groves!) This baby has so much love awaiting its arrival!

The mother of all baby showers


I am imagining our neighbors just now as they looked out their window, "Hey, come look at this. Becca is very pregnant in her pajamas and taking pictures of balloons. When is that baby due again?"

Last night our little baby-to-be was celebrated big time by one fabulous baby shower. I have no pictures from the evening, but will get them from others so that I can show, rather than just tell.

But let me just say that the night was more fun than I could have imagined, more colorful than even I could dream, and with more considerate thought going into every detail than I could comprehend. I literally could not sleep last night. I was wired. I told Rory all about it, and at 2 in the morning I still had a grin on my face as he tried his first attempt at deep breathing exercises with me. Then I was up at 4:30, just excited to see all of the new baby things that had been generously given and I began creating a game plan for where each thing will go in the nursery.

Lisa, Sara, Beth and Mom Groves hit this one out of the park and I'm so excited to share every detail. They outdid themselves, which is saying so much, because they always are outdoing themselves.

More than anything, to be surrounded by that many women ready to support, love and help us raise the little life inside of me made me feel strong and able. Rory and I are not raising this babe alone- we've got a deep, faithful and supportive community ready to love and help shape this life right along side of us.