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pregnancy pillows

I've been waking up between 3 and 4 each morning unable to sleep. I toss and turn and try and then give up and eventually end up downstairs wide awake. This has led to some productive moments, like Saturday when I ordered my blog in book form for the year 2011 and then packed our 4th of July picnic to be eaten later that day at the parade. It has also been informative, like this morning when in the midst of flashing lightening I saw the silhouettes of five enormous raccoons waddling towards the garden. And it has been beautiful as I've watched the sun rise over the grove and slowly the shapes of our outdoors become visible.

But mostly it has been frustrating. Because I know I need to be sleeping. I'll want to have been sleeping come 9 am. And that's the problem. So I've been using these wee hours (it's currently 3:57) for a bit of research. Today it was pregnancy pillows and a little google image search came up with the above photo spread. I remember blogging about these when I was pregnant with Ivar and wondering who in their right mind would order such a thing. Mostly my concern was where to store such a beast after the baby comes. Today I looked into a few of them, but then I remembered my other concern with these from five years ago. Do you notice anything missing in these pictures? Or anyone? Where is the husband? It seems to me that if you order a pregnancy pillow, which appears to be the size of two additional human bodies, there is no longer room in your bed for your spouse. Which might be problematic if your husband enjoys sleeping in his bed too.

So I've put together my own special set of pillows that seem to help, but mostly my problem isn't so much with the pillows, it's just that I'm wide awake. I am assuming 3 am will become a feeding time and all of this is simply preparation for what is to come.

Now I'm off to pick out pictures to print from the year 2014...

(and Rory has a new garden update up at The Grovestead!)


Jamie Willow said...

I borrowed a huge pillow from a friend for the last couple months of my Lucas pregnancy. It was kinda funny, I called it my "boyfriend" cause it basically took over the bed and left a tiny corner for Lance. lol. But it was worth it. Good sleep made for more civil days. I was glad to borrow it though as I would never have paid for one. lol

Callie said...

Sorry to hear this, Becca! Facing the day with less-than-adequate sleep and two little ones, all while growing another little one, sounds exhausting! Good for you for being productive!

I had terrible morning sickness in my pregnancies and found that a half of a Unisom the night before helped me feel much better the following day. A nice side effect was that I slept pretty well. I wasn't keen on taking medicine during my entire pregnancy, but my doc assured me it was fine. So, if the wakefulness really starts getting you down, maybe that would be a solution?

Hope the sandman finds his way to you soon!

[not the] Best Blog Ever said...

I loved my body pillow during both of my pregnancies! You should seriously look into one.

Anthony just had to deal with it. :) (We have a king-sized bed, so it wasn't too bad.)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your pregnancy induced insomnia! I feel ya. I however don't understand why you wouldn't want a pregnancy pillow? Sure they are cumbersome and weird, but they HELP YOU SLEEP BETTER. Maybe because I am usually a tummy sleeper and obviously can't do that when I'm pregnant and the pillow helps with that, but really ANYTHING to help you sleep might be good for you. It could be that because we have a California King sized bed, my husband still has plenty of room to sleep so he's not bothered, even with this obnoxious pillow in his mist. Good luck with whatever is bothering you at 3 am!!!

Becca Groves said...

Well, and that really is the trouble. Our bedroom is the size of a king sized bed. We would love a king sized bed, but for real, it wouldn't fit in our bitty room. That book If you give a Mouse a Cookie comes to mind...If you buy a pregnancy pillow, you're going to want a bigger bed, and when you want a bigger bed, you're going to want a bigger bedroom. And when you want a bigger bedroom you're going to start dreaming of a master suite with a deep bath tub overlooking your field...

Believe me, I've been dreaming! :)