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good reading

Sometimes blogging is tricky because you're just not sure what to say. This week Ivar and I have been taking lots of walks and spending lots of time with his new swing in the backyard that is tied to the lowest branch of our biggest tree. That's really all I have to report on.

But other people seem to be saying good stuff this week...and I thought I'd pass a few favorites from this week your way.

Jamie threw an amazing Watermelon party for her son's third birthday. I have already informed her that I may very well copy this one in the near 3-5 year future.

Sara was interviewed on some radio station and packs a good conversation in a short amount of time. The announcer guy is the quintessential radio personality. It's sort of a riot.

Flo wrote beautifully about her own mom.This blog is quickly becoming a new favorite. (and she goes to my church!)

Sara wrote a post on editing that makes me so happy to love words too.

Meta wrote an awesome piece about her favorite night of the week.

Enjoy! Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

flo said...

I just deleted a "that" from my last post. Love that! Oops.

Btw, my Lyrica has been singing "Setting Up the Pins" since she heard Sara do it with one of the kids.

And thanks for the mention. You're so sweet:)