Becca Groves Header
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Hello Japan!

So I just had Rory look at my google analytics (tells me how many people read my blog) because for about a month now it has said that I only have one reader, and that my one reader is in Japan. Now I knew I couldn't really just have one reader because know from emails, conversations and comments that you, dear friends from college, high school, seminary, minnesota, nebraska, cousins, sisters and new blog world friends are out there and that you're reading.

But to my one reader in Japan...Konnichiwa! I can't believe I went global so fast.


sembatgirl said...

Love the new do, by way! I cut mine short, also! *Your pages look GREAT! I think I'm gonna start calling you Becca "Sprague" Groves.

Jamie Willow said...

I found to be a better tool. google was okay.

Also, I read you from netvibes so I don't actually go to your site unless I comment...I don't know of any counters that gage that...?

I enjoy reading and i'm only in Nashville :)