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Showing posts with label america. Show all posts
Showing posts with label america. Show all posts

Liberty and Justice

I called Heidi, last night. We've been bff's since we were 16.

Becca: So are you a technically a veteran?
Heidi: I am.
Becca: You are?!! Is everyone who was in the military at one point a veteran?
Heidi: Actually, you have to have served for at least 6 years or gone oversees.
Becca: Oh my word, you are a veteran! I'm so sorry I've never made this connection before. This day is about YOU!

I was so amazed by this conversation. I think I had just thought that veterans were older than my 28 year old best friend. But I know she fits the bill. She served faithfully for 7 1/2 years in the Air National Guard and was deployed to Saudi Arabia when we were in college.

Heidi's husband Tim is in Iraq right now, serving our country as well. He has been gone since February and will come home this February (maybe March). Heidi has two little kids that she has single-parented for this stretch of time and I honor her strength, determination and honestly as she continues to serve her country by faithfully encouraging her husband, working through the struggles of a long-distance marriage and needing a mama break so bad while knowing that Tim will still be gone for another three or four months. She amazes me.

And Tim does too. This couple has shown me so much, first hand, of the sacrifice that our military men and women make for our country. Is is a lot of time. A lot of bravery. And a whole lot of belief in America's freedom. Man, we have so much to be grateful for. And so many to be grateful for in defending our freedom and our liberty.


"It is not merely for today, but for all time to come that we should perpetuate for our children's children this great and free government, which we have enjoyed all our lives."

Abraham Lincoln, August 22, 1864 - Speech to the One Hundred Sixty-sixth Ohio Regiment