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good lookin' goat

I remember at the County Fair walking into the goat building and telling Rory that I was on a mission to "find the cute goats." We walked the loop of that building, and I was hard pressed to find a cute goat. They are odd, odd animals. Most disturbing are the really tall kind that are the top milk producers. I can't remember their name but they didn't have ears. And I can't remember it that was because they were clipped or if they were born that way, but either way it was terribly unnatural. And their heads were very small for their bodies. They were far from the cute goats I was looking for.

Well, we didn't find them at the fair, but I did eventually find the cute goats. They're ours. And just between you and me, I am sure they look exactly like the ones we saw at the fair that day. Except these goats are our sweet Darcy and Precious. And we love them so much. They are probably our favorite farm animals, right up there with Velma and Vernon, our very first farm cats. Sheep are interesting and show very little personality it seems. But goats are just awesome.

I took this picture recently and when we came in I zoomed way in to discover that Darcy the Goat is in fact smiling for the camera. Come on! Not only do we think Darcy and Precious are darling, but we also find them to be quite photogenic. Plus,we are expecting baby goats sometime in February from both of them. Can you imagine the cuteness?!!

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