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Papa's Epic Birthday Party

On Thursday night the Groves family gathered at Kyle and Lisa's to celebrate my father-in-law's 70th birthday. Lisa came up with the anchor theme because Madison is the anchor of this family. She had pennants and pictures and anchor cookies and even made cookies shaped like cupcakes because she knows my kids are crazy about cupcakes at a birthday party. They loved the cookies just as much (I think they each ate four.) 

We ate an incredible meal, and actually I'm going to link to all of these recipes because you've got to try them. The food was sooo good. Lisa made this Greek Chicken. I made Pioneer Woman's Greek Salad. Sara made Brown Rice and Zucchini Casserole (links to come) and Lisa made Samoa Sheet Cake...a cake based on the girl scout cookie! 

For Papa's candles, she bound 70 candles together. Most hilarious was Elsie's lack of a reaction to the blazing inferno in front of her. 
Then we gathered around to open presents. And each person shared a story or told why they love Papa. I told about how when Rory and I were dating I wasn't sure I was going to stick around and marry him. And at some family gathering Lisa and Sara and I left the house and went out to Sara's car to sit and talk. I told them that I knew Rory and I worked now, but I just wasn't sure. Sara told me that at some point when she and Troy were dating she realized that if Madison was the man Troy aspired to be like, she was all in. And when she said that, I was too. Because I knew Rory respected no one more than he loved and looked up to his father. And if I was marrying someone who was going to grow up to be a guy as great and solid as Madison, then I was all in too. 

And that all turned out to be true. Madison was Rory's best man. He still is his greatest sounding board. And I am so, so glad I stuck around!
The night was filled with stories of servant giving, family loyalty, stories of thanksgiving and gratitude. When we drove home I thought about the fruits of a Christ-following family. The fruits are many. The fullness I felt in my heart and the gratitude I have for being in such a clan is such a sweet gift and a gift this good can only come from God alone. I would wish this deeply-full feeling, rooted in the solid foundation of faith and family, for every person on the planet.
I know not every one has this in their family, for lots of different reasons. But I left so inspired to run my own race and raise my own kids like Marlene and Madison have raised their three boys, so that one day when I'm 70, I might have some awesome descendants lip syncing gospel songs for me too.
Oh we laughed so hard.  Every lyric, solo line, and harmony was perfectly executed. Ruby covered the baritone notes, Toby was the announcer and it. was. incredible. It doesn't get much better than this. It was a sweet night. And so easy to celebrate such a quality guy. Happy Birthday, Madison!


[not the] Best Blog Ever said...

I watched the video of the southern Gospel lip-synching that Troy had posted on FB. Epic - truly epic! As was apparently Madison's party. Very nice! It's so cool that you all are in the same cities/relative vicinity to be able to easily celebrate family stuff like this.

Happy 70th Madison!

Madison said...

Wow! What a nice tribute, Becca! I feel so incredibly blessed! To God be the glory!