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kid quotes

I never put these pictures up, but this was such a happy day for us I just want the pictures documented. These pictures were from a Monday in October that was so stunning my kids ended up barefoot in the river. And one week later there was snow accumulating on the ground which made me very glad we had soaked up this glorious last bit of fall weather.

Here's some kid quotes to kick off your weekend:

*I overheard Ivar and Elsie in the living room. Ivar said, "Now you'll be in big, big, big, big trouble!" And Elsie shot back, "No! I'll be in teeny, teeny, teeny big trouble!"

*I was trying to snuggle with Elsie holding her like a baby. I said, "you're still my little baby." She sat right up in my arms, looked me in the eye and said gruffly, "I'm not a baby! I'm a sister!"

*Two times at small group our kids haven't gone to bed before the company came. So they got to be a part of everyone's check in. Last night they listened patiently and when it was time for us I asked Elsie if she had something to share and she lifted her hands in the air and announced, "I grew up! I'm tall!" The other time they got to share Ivar ran away for a while and came back to show everyone that we had got new toothpaste at Target.

1 comment:

Jennifer Prod said...

I overheard Ivar and Elsie in the living room. Ivar said, "Now you'll be in big, big, big, big trouble!" And Elsie shot back, "No! I'll be in teeny, teeny, teeny big trouble!"

how precious is that? i would want it documented, too :) and i'm the same way about blogging - sometimes i'm not sure i'm gonna put it on the web, and then i realize that blogging is the best way to make sure i don't forget some of the precious little moments that fill our days <3