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i love mr. rogers

I really loved sharing things that I love last week. So much, that I decided to keep it going a bit longer. It's fun to think during the day of all the small things that you appreciate and love. I've got much more to share!

Rory started taping Mr. Rogers for the kids to watch. But it's actually turned into the family favorite that all four of enjoy watching. It's a calming and relaxing show with an incredibly slow pace. A very noticeable contrast to the flashy kids programming of today.

I am so excited I found the video of the segment below because it stopped me in my tracks. Mr. Rogers is talking about friends and says "some people think that friends are always happy, always having fun. Well that's not true. Friends often have hard times and sad times. But friends can come together again and again, and build a stronger and stronger friendship between each other."

Mr. Rogers was speaking to me. And I was so taken aback by how plain his lesson was. And how absolutely true it was too. it's not often that you hear someone speak so plainly about the reality of relationships. There was no animated happy ending to his lesson. He just spoke the truth.

Throw in a visit to the graham cracker factory, and you have yourself one quality children's program.


Kristen said...

Mr. Rogers is the BEST!! I'm glad your kids are getting to experience his greatness!

Nancy Holte said...

LOVE Mr. Rogers! I miss him!

Kimberly Gust said...

Hi, Becca. You probably don't remember me. We met at a CJH alumni reunion and then again at a Donna Downey class in Blair. Anyway, the timing of this post is crazy! I was just looking for a video clip of Mr. Rogers to show my son this morning. He's been watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on PBS, which is an animated "sequel" to Mr. Rogers focused on the tiger puppet Daniel. If Ivar and Elsie haven't seen it, it's worth checking out. Have a great day!