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i love alba shampoo

For all of our marriage I have shared a bottle of Suave shampoo with my husband. It's fine. It seems to have done the job for eight years. But I have a strange confession: I love using other people's shampoo and body scrub and face wash. Because using someone's Aveda is like a little sweet luxury. Using someone's four step face wash system is like a day at a spa.

So it was during the second polar vortex here in Minnesota that I found myself wandering the aisles of Target telling myself that I deserve nice shampoos. That maybe after eight years of Suave I could justify a shampoo like the ones I utilize at friends' houses. So I crossed over from the Pantene-and-friends aisle to the Bed Head, Redken and Bumble and Bumble aisle. I read labels. I gasped at the $29 price tags. You understand there is a 50/50 chance this will all fall into the bathtub with my kids one night and wash down the drain...

So I wandered a little farther down the aisle and found this Alba stuff for $10 a bottle. Ten bucks still felt expensive to my Suave-buying self, but I smelled it and it smelled like Hawaii. And a little Hawaii in the middle of a polar vortex is always welcome.

It's sulfate free. And though I don't know what that means, I feel I can sleep better at night, knowing I don't have all those pesky sulfates in my hair any more. I do know it smells awesome and leaves my hair soft. I love it. 

That night I also got a foot pumice, a new lafoof thingy and a big bottle of shea butter lotion. And let me tell you, a little home spa is a wonderful addition to my winter life. Especially when my showers are basically shared with two kids in and out, opening the curtain, letting all the cold air in. It's nice to have yummy shampoos when I'm freezing because the bathroom door is wide open.

**And I think this goes without saying, but just in case. I'm a teeny little blog here that has no affiliates. I don't get any kickback for the products I'm telling about this week. These are just my own thoughts, my own opinions...for what they're worth. Up next: my favorite kids cd!


sarah in the woods said...

I'm the same way! I share suave with Jeremiah and love using other people's stuff. Actually I don't care about the shampoo, but the Shea butter lotion and nice face wash is so lovely.

[not the] Best Blog Ever said...

FYI: I am not going to let Anthony read this post. It will feed his desire to get me to quit buying "salon-expensive" Aveda-type hair products...

Not gonna happen. [wink]

Becca Groves said...

Beth, I'll be over sometime to use your Aveda stuff. LOVE that stuff.

where the hart is said...

Not to sound girly and dramatic over here, but sulfate-free shampoo sort of changed my life. So good for the curls! My hair has never been so healthy.
It takes a while to get used to the 'no lather' part of it, and sometimes I feel like I need to wash and rinse 2 or 3 times..but it's worth it. So worth it.
Glad you can sleep better. :)