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the soul sisterhood mother daughter retreat

I just had the most lovely weekend. Surrounded by seventh graders and their inspiring mothers, I got to focus on motherhood...without my own kids nearby. It was restorative, restful and ended up being a powerful few days to remember my focus in mothering, my purpose and why I do what I do. 

I got to help out at the Soul Sisterhood mother daughter retreat

The mom's and daughters were remarkable. On Saturday night a photographer came to take pictures of each mother with her girl(s). You can see those pictures right here on Leslie Crane's facebook page (scroll down to see all the mom's and daughters). The pictures are stunning and make my heart swell a bit because I know those mom's now and how fiercely they love their daughters. 

Best of all, I got to work with Amanda and Melanie, two dear women who quickly became fast friends. We had an awesome time together and hope to work together for the future mother-daughter retreats. I already can't wait.

If you are interested in bringing your own daughter on a mother-daughter retreat, be sure to check out the website for more information. Or, if you would like to find six other friends of your daughters and invite their mothers, you can set up your own retreat on the Soul Sisterhood calendar. Retreats focus on our identity in Christ Jesus, creativity and crafting, deep conversation and healthy meals. You can read more of the mission and vision here.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Just don't swim in the Crow River :)