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34 weeks

Oh baby, do I love ice. I crave ice. I get excited when I remember that I can have a cup of ice at any given time. I chomp through at least a tray a day. I know that the best ice is at Ikea, Sonic, and the gas station by Perkins on France and 494. I would take a cup of slushy ice over dairy queen. I can't get enough. And recently I found this awesome dot-candy sized icecube now I can make tiny ice at home!

Ivar has trouble fitting on my lap to read books. It's a balancing act. He has to sit sideways and I have to help him stay on the ends of my legs. His oversized books are proving to be a challenge to hold, turn pages while keeping him on my knees.

I wake up each morning at 4 ready for the day. Wide awake. And so I blog, or make lists, or toss from side to side. I usually go back down at 6, but then I am not ready for the day when Ivar wakes up. Quite sleepy, in fact. I do believe by body is beginning its prep for baby #2 and the multiple wakeup calls that are coming my way.

I have a nerve in my right leg that is pinched daily. Usually when I am just taking a normal step, something will go awry and my back and leg seize up on me. It leaves me with the most quality preggers hobble you've ever seen. It usually lasts just an hour or two before everything settles back down again. But look for me...I'm that large pregnant woman who walks like she's large and pregnant.

I've started calling this baby Tigger. It dances and summersaults and cartwheels and kicks and swan dives all day long. My belly is not my morphs shapes before my eyes and always keeps me guessing where the head is, where the feet are, where the elbows are. There is a lot of baby in there.

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