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a christmas to remember...or try to forget.

Ivar got the flu on Christmas Morning around 1:30 at my folk’s house. We had celebrated Christmas Eve with the Groves and went to my parents to sleep overnight for Christmas Day with the Harringtons.

Unfortunately, it was violent and messy and long lasting. Basically, it was awful. It’s hard to watch your baby dry heave. But I do recommend if you’re a first time mom, try to be with your mom when your baby gets the flu for the first time. Because as a first time mom, you really need a mom of your own to mother you while you act as the mother to your baby. At one point in the night Rory said to my mom, “Margaret, you can go back to bed if you’d like.” And I told him mom was up for me, not for Ivar.

Another handy thing about being at mom’s is that she has an abundance of wash clothes and bath towels which is what we used to wrap our baby in and catch his mess. He blew through his clothes quite quickly and this served as a pretty great system considering how unpredictable the whole thing is.

We came back home on Christmas Day, and my folks headed to my sister’s to celebrate with her and her family. Ivar threw up throughout the day, but babies are funny and sort of bounce back between episodes. So we opened Christmas presents by the tree, watching the Yule Log and laying very low. I felt really ill after such a terrible night of sleep.

Monday came and I felt better than I have in months. I sorted my art supplies, switched a book shelf, and my folks came over in the evening to help with more projects. I was so motivated to sieze this new found energy! We swept, mopped, took the tree down (I know, pretty early, but what is the point of sweeping if you are going to take the tree down a few days later?!!) and the Christmas decorations (all three of them I had put up.)

Then my mom got sick. Really sick. 36 hours after Ivar, and she was down for the count. They left our house with bucket in hand and three hours later my dad caught the bug too. An hour after that Rory and I were hit. It was like war. This flu bug was picking us off one by one.

Monday night will not soon be forgotten. All three of us in this little home were violently ill and it was terrible. Terrible.

Tuesday came as a slow recovery day. But Ivar still threw up Tuesday night and then again last night. We took him to the doctor today and the doctor thinks the last three nights have been formula related with his system having trouble digesting the lactose in his bottles. So we’re onto soy formula and hoping this might be the key.

Did I mention that Annika’s little baby Svea got it too? And now Sonna has it. That family is like domino’s about to topple over and I am so, so sorry for them.

My dad is out grocery shopping for us right now, restocking the essentials: bananas, apple sauce, gingerale, saltines and bread. We’re a sorry sight here on Girard. Wouldn’t recommend coming too close.

Just thought I’d check in before the new year. Sorry if this is all too much information. I sort of just wanted to write it out so that years from now we can read it and thank our lucky stars it isn’t the Christmas of 2011.


sarah in the woods said...

So sorry to hear you all are sick. Hope you mend quickly.

Nancy Holte said...

Seriously, I know this isn't supposed to be funny, but the way you tell it cracks me up. I'm so sorry you all got sick. We had some illness around here, but thankfully, I've not been effected (or is it affected, I never know) up to this point. Praying you'll feel better soon.

Jamie Willow said...

You just described my Christmas too...Ira & Ashley came thru town and Evie got the flu, 48 hrs later on Christmas eve, Judah got the flu...I spent the night on an air mattress in our living room taking care of him and the baby so Lance could sleep since he was flying the next day. 48 hrs later my sister and her girlfriend got it. So far it has skipped me...praying it does cause as of tomorrow I'm alone with the two boys and I can't fathom how I would survive.
Ira and Ash were joining her family on the beach, they all rented a house together, and 10 of them got the flu.

Christmas of 2011 was memorable, but I am also glad it's over.

[not the] Best Blog Ever said...

Oh NO!

Jamie - OH NO!!!

Sarah McQuade said...

Oh my goodness!!! That's like the plot line straight out of a crazy movie. I guess it's pretty much guaranteed every other Christmas will be so much better. Hope you guys are feeling way better now!!!!