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diy(WYM): a baby tie

I was having trouble finding a baby tie for Ivar to wear on Easter. So I found a do-it-yourself tutorial on how to turn a grown man's tie into a baby tie. Now I love a good diy project, but I love a diy(WYM) project even more: Do-It-Yourself With Your Mom. Especially if the instructions include any sort of sewing steps. So yesterday my mom, who can do anything, got crafty with Ivar.

I have been hanging onto a tie of my Grandpa Harrington's since he passed away. Not sure what my plans were for the tie, but when I found this tutorial I thought there could be nothing sweeter than my baby boy wearing his great grandpa's tie, whom he never met, for his very first Easter. The symbolism is rich for me. Easter is a day that celebrates new life and resurrection and the eternal home where Ivar will get to meet his Great Grandpa John one day all because of Jesus' victory over death and the grave. Ivar is going to rock this tie. I'll post some pictures next week of the whole outfit.

The tie tutorial is found here. The hardest part was tying the tie backwards...and on the wrong end of the tie. Thanks to our family friend's Betsy and Daron for figuring that one out for us!


annika said...

Can't wait to see Ivar in that tie! And you were baptized on Easter too, right? See you in 2 days!

[not the] Best Blog Ever said...

So sweet! Can't wait to see pics of the Iv-meister rockin' the tie.