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My friend Melanie is a couponer. Have you ever met a real couponer? They've got skills. Melanie has been emailing me about diaper deals ever since Ivar was born, but to be honest, I was nervous to coupon. I think I was scared that I would get to the register and something would go wrong and I'd have to sheepishly take my cart full of bulk goods and put it back on the shelves.

So today when my friend Lindsey came over I took her along to Walgreens. Their diapers are buy one get one free, plus there is a $2 off coupon in the Infant Care brochure that is distributed right in the store (I found the Infant Care booklet on the cosmetic counter). I bought two things of diapers on Wednesday just to be sure that I liked Walgreens diapers. None of this would be worth it if they were cheap, leaky diapers. But after a 48 hour trial run, I was impressed.

So Lindsey and I filled a cart and came home with some serious loot:
Now check out the total price!!!Today I became a couponer. Honest to goodness, this is insane. I came home with two boxes of baby wipes (they are Buy One Get One free) and 10 bags of diapers.

In those 10 bags, there are 392 diapers. And for this price, these diapers are 4.5 cents a piece. Which I am actually confused about. I think I was supposed to pay more...did they take $20 off two times? Because I think I should have paid $37. Which would make the diapers 9 cents a piece, which is still incredible. Hmmm...did I not pay enough?

1 comment:

Jamie Willow said...

it's addicting! way to go!