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Back home to Montana..

We spent six months last fall and winter living in glorious western Montana at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. We lived at the same camp with my sister Annika and her husband Jedd and miss the community we had there so much. So this was our next destination.

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When we turned the corner on Lutheran Camp Road, Rory jokingly said, "Be sure not to hit Jan and Eugene," friends of ours who go for a 3:30 walk together every afternoon. And sure enough, beautifully consistent, as we rounded a few more bends we saw them standing in the road talking to another neighbor. And in the field playing were all the kiddos I got to hang out with all last winter, running at our jeep. It was a sweet welcome. The picture next to our welcome crew is the view from Annika and Jedd's house as the sun is rising early Saturday morning. Can I hear an Alleluja?!!


We packed a picnic for lunch on Saturday, and arrived at the state park just in time for Sonna to have fallen asleep in the car. Jedd was good to offer to take a nap too so she could sleep a bit longer.

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The highlight of our weekend was our Sunday spent near Hot Springs, Montana to watch Jedd race in his second-ever dirt bike race (mx racing...motor cross? I think it's actually called...) This first picture above is Jedd in action. We spent most of the glorious day waiting and watching his races. It was an absolute blast and the whole time I felt so inspired and proud of him for following a life-long dream and just getting out there and trying what he's always wanted to try. It left me wondering what I want to try.


By the end of the weekend, I was once again convicted of my belief that sisters really should not live three states away from each other. I miss this family so much, all the time. Our time together was sweet and left me wanting more.

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