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fall at the grovestead

I nearly missed it. It was when we drove home from the hospital with Hattie that I gasped, "the maples turned red!" And then we came home and hunkered down. Driving to Maddie's wedding I saw more fall colors (her wedding pictures will be stunning!) and then I came home and hunkered down again. Finally yesterday I set out with the camera to get the very, very last of fall. Most leaves have fallen, but it was a great day for a fall walk, and taking pictures with the big camera (still on to figure out manual someday) is really good for my soul. It always feels like a little scavenger hunt to find fun pictures.

Rory has been splitting wood in every free moment. (And mulching the whole farm in the other moments.) We've had a fire going the last few nights and we're so excited for this season to begin. His wood pile is growing and though not all of it will be seasoned for this winter, it is fun to watch it grow. Soon enough the farm will be white, so we'll take it these last bits of color until then!

if I had blogged on Tuesday...

If I had blogged on Tuesday I would have written about how good I am feeling after this pregnancy. How sincerely strong and able I feel. We had the whole Frick family over on Tuesday (Rory's mom's side of the family) who were here from Colorado for the wedding. It was a joy to be together and as we all love to say, it was a Frick n' Groves good time.

If I had blogged on Wednesday I would have written about how seasoned I feel at this motherhood thing. Babies do seem to get easier, because I know what I'm doing. (Plus, Hattie is pretty low-key...) And I know not to put my baby in anything with snaps or complicated foot holes for bedtime because I just don't have patience for that stuff at 3 am. I know to go to bed at 8 so I can get in that first sleep cycle before 11. I know that I can't actually sleep when the baby is sleeping, so I must sleep when the big kids are sleeping. Things aren't brand new, this isn't my first rodeo and I feel great. Also, it was Rory's birthday. Which I did absolutely nothing for because something had to give. I'll make it up somehow...though all he wanted was wood chips for his garden and look what he got:

If I had blogged on Thursday I would have written about how I started out the day noticing a blocked duct and how by the middle of the afternoon I was pretty sure I was dying. I got so sick. I was supposed to speak with Rory at our local pregnancy center banquet and by the evening I was in bed with the shakes, the sweats, and painful, painful nursing. It was bad news. By the middle of the night I was sort of wondering if I'd survive it all.

If I had blogged on Friday I would have written about how I lay on the doctor's table, answering questions with my eyes closed, how I felt so sorry for myself being so sick and in so much pain and still having to feed my baby through the pain. And then by evening I would have written about the horrors of mastitis and the miracle medicine that is the antibiotic. Because two pills in and I knew I was going to make it. I also would have written a sonnet to my mother, who came back on Thursday to sleep over and take care of me (and make me my third batch of mini monster cookies since the baby was born! because oatmeal is good for nursing! right?!!)

If I had blogged on Saturday I would have written about what a difference a day makes, how easily Harriet took my pumped milk from a bottle (my first baby to take a paci and a bottle!) And how my pump, after two other kids, sounds like a rocket about to take off and doesn't have a whole lot of power left in it. Then I'd write about how Rory's folks came in the afternoon when my mom left and how my mother-in-law sent my father-in-law to Target to buy me a new pump. And bless his heart, he went to that baby aisle and stared at all the nursing pumps and later told me that he found a woman with two young kids and asked her opinion as to which one he should buy. He came home with a great pump and it felt like Christmas morning. He said to me, "13 years ago when I was driving the tour bus and you were Troy and Sara's assistant, I could have never seen this day coming..." Oh we laughed. I don't remember the last time I was so grateful for something new. I adore my new pump. It's quiet and fast and I'm feeling so much better. And Harriet seems to love her bottles, a totally new experience for me as a mom. And I would have written about how we finished Mary Poppins with the kids and how hard Ivar laughed at all the funny parts. That movie was a joy to watch with an almost 5 year old.

Now it's Sunday and I actually am blogging. So I'd probably wrap this whole thing up saying that there are so many highs and lows in motherhood. There are joys and challenges, good days and hard ones. There are moments I feel like I rock at this gig and moments I feel brand spanking new to it all. There are moments of self-confidence followed by moments of self-pity. And it's all a part of the ride. Hattie and I stayed home from church today and I gave her bath and then we lay on the bed and looked at each other for an hour. And then I made myself a cup of fully caffeinated coffee with maple syrup and cream, which has put it me in the chattiest and happiest of moods. Plus, this afternoon I walked around our farm with the big camera and the big kids and took in all the pretty things happening around here. I'll post those pictures soon.

wedding weekend

On Hattie's 10th day of life we got all spiffed up to head to our niece Maddie's wedding! It was a glorious day, stunning for pictures, and so fun to see so many friends and family of the Groves clan. It was a blast and we were so proud to introduce our baby to the world. We had to be careful because she still shouldn't be with a lot of people...but your niece only gets married once in her life, and we weren't going to miss it!

Maddie's colors were black and white and gold. Mimi got the dresses for the girls (adorable!) and we borrowed a suit from my friend Beth for Ivar (so handsome!) and my mom helped get shoes and tights and ties to round everything out. Elsie loved her dress and walked like a princess all day. And she was quick to mention that "For Maddie's wedding she likes black and white, but for my wedding I like purple and pink." So we'll hold her to her choice in colors when the time comes...
Here are Mimi and Papa with all of their grandkids. Mimi is holding her littlest granddaughter while watching her oldest granddaughter get married. As I watched Kyle and Lisa (Maddie's mom and dad) I had this overwhelming feeling that this whole ride is going to go very, very fast. So I'll snuggle my kids when I can and hope and pray that one day they will each fall in love as wholeheartedly and beautifully as Maddie and Chase.

A Story of Joy

This story is so precious, and Rory and I have been trying to process it all week long. I actually haven't been able to write about much of it at all and feel like I'm still finding the words. Rory, on the other hand, has been writing ever since, not wanting to forget one detail. 

I'm a bit tentative throwing it out there though because there is a funny thing that happens when you share a miracle story. The world wants to try to make sense of it rationally, try to put a medical reason to the wonder. But Rory and I were there. And we know that not one doctor or nurse had any reason why our baby would make such a miraculous full healing just minutes after prayers began being spoken from all over the country.

I was on the bed and unable to see a lot of what was happening. But Rory saw our little, still baby. He saw the doctors faces and heard the phone calls being made for teams to show up stat. He wrote the following and I asked him if I could share it here. I'm sure I'll expand on parts of this at some point, but for now it feels right to be getting this out. 

For months before she was born, Psalm 91 kept coming before me. It started with a sermon at church, then a card I received. My kids came home from the school library with a book that was based on Psalm 91. I came across word art, and many friends even sent portions of it my way before she was born, without knowing its significance. It was uncanny, and I knew this was our baby's Psalm. I read the whole thing through many times and the last time I read it through entirely I stood up, closed my Bible and my water broke. At the time it made me laugh because this Psalm was confirmed so many times as the baby's psalm.  And so, in the midst of the fear surrounding her first hour of life, these were the words I kept hearing in my heart:

I will be with her in trouble,
I will deliver her and honor her,
With long life I will satisfy her
and show her my salvation.

Meet Harriet Joy Groves. Her first act of life was a miracle by God.

It was 7:22 AM, one hour after her birth when the decision was made to emergency transfer Harriet to a neonatal intensive care unit in Minneapolis. She was born unable to breath on her own, but we didn't know that right away. Seconds after being born, nurses whisked her away from her mother's arms. A brief whimper was all we heard at birth, but no more crying. While Becca was being tended by one doctor, another doctor began checking Harriet's vitals, suctioning fluids, and listening to her lungs. The doctor could hear fluid, most likely meconium ingested during a difficult 54-hour labor. Her hands and feet were turning blue. Sensors on her foot registered in the low 30's. I asked what that number was. Blood-oxygen level. I asked what is it supposed to be. Above 90. She was hooked up to oxygen and the nurses turned the dial to 30%. Then 40%. Then 100%.

There are many moments of brief panic during pregnancy, labor and delivery. Becca and I both thought this was procedural, that within a few minutes Harriet would be breathing normally and back in her mother's arms. But as I watched fear grip the nurses, I felt the pit in my stomach grow. God, where are you?

Minutes away from birth she had a CPAP mask covering her mouth and nose, IV needles in her scalp, and a lead plate under her body as the lab techs set up a chest x-ray.

I remember reaching out holding her tiny hand and introducing myself: "Harriet. This is your daddy. I love you. I don't know what else to do right now, so I'm just going to hold your hand."


Throughout this pregnancy we made plans for this child's birth. Being our third, we knew enough that nothing goes according to plan when it comes to babies. But still, we did our best to prayerfully follow God's leading. And we felt peace about it.

The first detour was Harriet being born 10 days late. In those last weeks Becca would talk about how she started writing the birth story in her head, a great blog post in the making: "So there I was in Econofoods buying the ingredients for peanut butter pie when my water broke..." But each time she would hear God respond: "Let Me write this story."

So it was with great anticipation that we waited for this story to play out. But many hours after her water breaking, and only irregular contractions, we were forced to induce. This was a difficult, doubting hour, dashing months of repeated confirmations. How is this a better story, God?

Each stage, though, kept getting worse. The late pregnancy and contractions were followed by a mal-positioned baby causing excruciating pitocin-induced back labor for 6 hours while Becca tried various positions to turn the baby without success. Finally we ordered the epidural but still the baby did not come for 11 more hours. After losing count of the number of times Becca lost the contents of her stomach, it was finally time to push. The delivering doctor was called in and asked me how long Becca pushed with our last child. "Not long at all. Two pushes." Everyone was in agreement. Third child, long labor, this was going to be over soon. Which was good because Becca was utterly exhausted. I don't think I've ever seen her more depleted, physically and emotionally. An hour later, the nurses stopped counting off the contractions and the doctor couldn't stop yawning. Progress had been made, but barely (though we didn't let Becca know). It had been made clear to us that a c-section was a possibility because of the baby's position. Now that seemed almost inevitable.

But in the final 15 minutes Becca found her strength and rallied. And to everyone's surprise the baby was born in the ideal position.

"Cut the cord daddy!" At long last, Harriet had arrived.


One-half hour after birth the doctors tried to wean Harriet off her supplemental oxygen. Her color was much better but they were unable to keep her stable with less than 40% oxygen. The X-Ray had come back showing possible pneumonia in one lung. It was when Harriet started shallow breathing, unable to even keep up with forced oxygen that the head doctor made the call to emergency transfer Harriet to a NICU. Things were deteriorating rapidly and we were running out of options.

Through tears Becca asked me to call Ali, her close friend from town to come be with her so I could travel to Minneapolis to be with Harriet. I stepped into the hallway and called Ali. Then I called our parents. We hadn't announced Harriet's birth yet to anyone. If I concentrated I could force the words out, but if I thought about it I was too choked up to talk. Born 6:22, girl. Trouble breathing, transferring to NICU in Minneapolis. Please pray. I remember asking Becca's mom to pray with our kids who were staying with her. I remember understanding how pure and powerful are prayers of children. How God hears and is moved by them.

I called my pastor who spread the word to staff and church. All we had left to us now was prayer. We felt so helpless. Becca later told me her frustrated prayers while pushing, "You said, 'you began this good work in me.' You have to complete it.  You said, 'when I'm weak, you are strong. I have nothing left. You have to do this."

I returned to the room to pack and get ready to drive to meet Harriet at the NICU. Harriet was still rapid-breathing, the doctor listening to her lungs. She explained that the transfer team would bring their own equipment to stabilize her before transferring. So they would need to remove the IV's and monitoring equipment before replacing with their own. As the nurse was preparing Harriet for the transfer she briefly removed the CPAP mask.

As she went to reaffix the mask the doctor stopped her. "Wait." We all watched the oximeter. It stayed above 90. The doctor listened to her lungs. "Let's bring her to Becca". The nurses looked concerned but promptly complied.

They placed Harriet in Becca's arms. All our eyes were locked on to the oximeter. Could this be happening? It started rising. 95...96...97...

"Let's try to feed her." The nurses positioned baby and Becca and she immediately latched on and started nursing. Then she switched sides and kept nursing.

Ali arrived during this scene. I don't know what I said to her because there wasn't any explanation. Only minutes had passed since Harriet was rapidly deteriorating. The doctor explained that Harriet might be able to keep this up for 15 minutes, but then she would tire and need to go back on oxygen. We all kept watching the monitors and heard a helicopter in the distance getting louder.


The transfer team arrived in the room and waited for Harriet to finish nursing before taking their turn to check vitals. I remember thinking how serious these doctors and nurses looked. Their jump suits alone made their arrival feel all the more overwhelming.

I told Becca the lead doctor looked like the Commander in Chief of doctors. They connected monitoring equipment to Harriet and watched. "Stats are perfect." She listened to Harriet's chest. "Lungs are clear." The question was raised if she even needs to be transferred. One of the nurses smiled at me and whispered, "she's not going to transfer." After a brief consultation with the hospital doctors, they carried Harriet back to Becca's arms, packed up their things, and left.

Then God spoke. This is My story.

Within the span of 10 minutes we went from needing an emergency transfer by helicopter to save Harriet's life to it becoming a precautionary measure to her not needing to be transferred at all. And the recovery was instantaneous. She didn't get worse, worse, worse, then better, better, better. She got worse, worse, worse, then healed completely. Within an hour we were in the post-partum room celebrating with family.

The acting pediatrician later said he’s never heard of a NICU transfer team leaving without the baby.

Many of the nurses and some of the doctors rotated off-shift during the course of events and didn't know how the story ended. The next day the delivering doctor came by the hospital to check on us. She noted that mucus that had been coughed up the previous day was the only reason she could think of for the sudden turnaround with Harriet. Except the mucus wasn't coughed up until several hours after she started breathing normally, while in our recovery room. Between the time doctors heard fluid in her lungs and the "lungs are clear" diagnosis was given, Harriet never coughed or cried.

When the family left and Becca and I were once again alone together, we looked at each other and wept. We knew what we had seen. We knew what we couldn't explain. We knew God had gotten us to the hospital and had been writing this story all along. We would have never imagined this would be her story. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.

Before leaving for the day the hospital doctor stopped by. She was more involved with Harriet's resuscitation than anyone else. "Sometimes these things happen," is all she would offer about the abrupt recovery we experienced that day.

Yes, we thought, we call those things miracles.


Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
PSALM 90:1-2

week one with Harriet Joy

As I type this I am very aware that one week ago tonight I was in the throws of labor, and at this moment was just getting my epidural. I had pitocin for six hours before I finally called mercy (which translated to: epidural). And even with the epidural, labor still continued for eleven more hours before I was ready to push. I'm exhausted just thinking about it and I'm so glad to be heading to bed in a few minutes.

Hattie will be one week old tomorrow morning at 6:22. After the initial scare of her first few hours of life, everything has greatly calmed down. We had a lovely stay at the hospital. I love room service and I loved my nurses that helped with everything. We came home on Friday and the kids came back on Saturday. I asked my mom to come out on Friday "for just an hour" and then didn't let her leave until the sun went down, telling her to come back the next day with her suitcase. I said I'd like her to stay "for just a night or two..." and I still haven't let her go home. She is the secret sauce to keeping everything running around here...dishes, Ivar and Elsie emotions, holding Hattie so I can shower, and laundry. There is so much laundry with a baby!

I think the most amazing thing is the passage of time during these first weeks. I feed Hattie every two or three hours. And it takes a while because we're both still learning how to do this together. And then between feedings she gets her diaper changed, often an outfit change if she spits up and it all just takes a lot of time. In between feedings I have to eat, or lay down or shower, or pay special attention to big siblings and just like that, it's time to nurse again. Our days go slowly and calmly and then all of the sudden it is nighttime again. My friend Shannon calls these weeks "soft focus"...sort of a blur of naps, nursing, sleepiness and slowly adjusting to the new normal.

And it is good. So good. I am so grateful to have Hattie here and healthy. I am grateful for her big brother and sister who adore her. I am grateful for my mom who came to mother me while I learn to be a mother of three. And most of all I am so grateful for Rory who I grew deeper in love with through this whole ordeal. He was so steady through all the twists and turns of Hattie's birth, saw the fear in the doctor's eyes, the exhaustion in my own eyes, rallied prayer warriors when we needed God to intervene and took great care of me all the while. I am so grateful and my heart is overflowing.